[Rubs the sleep out of her eyes as she sits down at her computer and wipes the dust off of the keyboard]. 

Hello people of the internet, how have you been for the past um… years?!?!  What did I miss?  Did you miss me?  I most certainly missed all of you!  But rest-assured I am back now - well-rested from my Rip Van Winkle break from the blog and with a facelift to boot... Actually, more like a new face entirely + a new body and a new life purpose. The only thing that is really the same I suppose, is my voice and my "ness," of course.  After my Austin Powers, cryogenically frozen re-emergence, yeah baby, I realized if I wanted to come back to the blog, I needed to adjust to the times, my new identity and a new wave of what's good on the web.  So I got with it, put in werk, and now here I am, getting back in the game!

Let me first explain the reason for my prolonged absence and why I threw in the towel, literally immediately following my "One Year Anniversary" post... IRONIC MUCH?!  Apparently, one year under the old regime was all I had in me lol.. But honestly, it comes down to two short words: BURN OUT.  This go-around, however, I hope to keep on keeping on a little longer than that and here's how.. I'm not going to post every week day like I was doing before because I think that was the biggest problem for me... It was just too much work, I'll be honest.  So this time, I'm shooting for 1x per week, on Thursday nights.  Also, the topics will be different - no longer interior design/fashion/my life/whatever-the-f-I-can-think-of.  The new topics will be business, entrepreneurial, career and website related.  I know what some of you are probably thinking -->> YAWN.... I'm out!! And frankly, fair enough!  I recognize that I'm not just changing lanes here, I'm on the on-ramp of a completely different highway going the opposite direction.. But I do vow to try to make each post still relevant on a mass scale and ripe with humor, relatability, an over-abundance of metaphors and more personal information than is probably safe to divulge in an attempt to illustrate concepts and convey my thoughts... 

So, now that we've gotten that out of the way.. Let me plug my new website and its obvious MOJO! [dusts its shoulders off].  I'll start with this: this website was built on Squarespace.  The 1.0 version of Keeley Kraft was built on the Squarespace platform too but while I was busy in hibernation, getting my shit together and plotting my next [few] moves, so was Squarespace. In the past few years, they've been gittin' after it, adding tons of new features, options, support and solutions for people looking to build a website without having to hire a team of programmers and designers to completely code a website from scratch... which, I pretty much think is just the raddest.  During my blog sabbatical, one of the things I did was take several programming courses. I learned skills to program the front end, back end and mobile versions of a website, so I want to be clear that I think programmers are absolutely vital to our online ecosystem.  However, I do not think they are the best solution for people looking for a website that does not need to have unique functionality.  I believe there is room for everyone and building a website is not a one-size-fits-all kind of situation. 

So N-E-WAZE, I got really jazzed on Squarespace as a company, brand and platform and have since decided to help people who want to build their website on Squarespace... do just that!  Whether it be that they just need some guidance, or they don't really want to deal with it but don't want to sell some of their internal organs on the black market in order to get a website up on the interwebs, I am here as the sherpa for that goal.  And that, is what the new Keeley Kraft is all about!  So if you want to attend our Squarespace Day Camp, hire me to build your website for you, or on a completely unrelated but still standing strong the website formerly known as Keeley Kraft (RIP Price, you will forever be missed), order some etched wine glasses, this is the place to do it!

Hopefully this post hasn't bored you to tears but I needed a segue post to bridge the awkward gap between the two different blog focuses.  But now that the elephant in the room has officially walked out.. LET'S BOOGIE!


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Happy Anniversary!

Hey party people!  Hope your celebrations of #murica's birthday were S*P*E*C*T*A*C*U*L*A*R*!  Mine certainly was!  This past week has been chock-full of celebrations for me with my birthday happening last week and Independence Day and all, but this post ain't about none-o-that.. Nope.  It's about another cause for celebration:  KEELEY KRAFT'S ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY! One year ago today, I launched Keeley Kraft.  Woot woot!  This web-baby is one year old!  But as much as this is a birthday for KK, it's an anniversary for me (and so of course, that's what I'm going to focus on... ME! ;).  Pop the champs, y'all! 


Writing this blog has been extremely fulfilling for me on so many unexpected levels and even though I haven't been posting very regularly as a of late, I want to acknowledge the satisfaction I derive each day that I do post something.  It's an awesome feeling to be able to put something together and to be able to tangibly see the result.  But moreover, it's been indescribably invigorating to put something out into the world, on a public scale, for it to be read, judged, cherished and to hopefully inspire, inform, possibly offend and maybe help. 

A side effect of "feeding" the blog has been the confidence I have gained in my writing.  I never thought of myself as a writer before starting this blog and the feedback I've gotten from people who have obtained something from what I've written has been so touching and encouraging.  I've found a voice for myself through writing through this outlet that I didn't know existed and to put it simply, that's a really cool feeling! :).  Furthermore, to be able to go back and read what I've written over the course of a year and have a record of many notable occasions that have occurred since I started, gives me a sense of growth and analysis that is pretty unique.  I've experienced the therapeutic effects of writing through this practice and most importantly, have sold some Keeley Kraft furniture and etched wine glasses as a result :). 

But mostly, I'm just super grateful to this blog for giving that to me and to anyone that ever read any of the posts that I wrote.  It's one of the best feelings EVER when someone "likes" one of my posts or tells me they've read something I've written and it spoke to them or even tells me they feel like they know me more from reading my blog.  Sometimes writing and compiling these posts can take a long time but the joy I get from the confirmation and support of others makes it COMPLETELY WORTH IT!   So... THANK YOU!  All in all, it's been a whirlwind year! 

But srrriously, enough with the sappiness already! 

I've compiled a little round up of lovely "paper" items because the gift for a one year anniversary is: PAPER.  (See what I just did there? :)  A little extrapolation, I know, but some of these paper products are TOTES LEGIT, guys!  Check 'em out:

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A Trailer Palace

Oh hey guys, I'm back!  I just fell off the face of the Earth for a brief time but, after much clawing and clambering, I climbed my way back up onto the face of my world and am trying to get myself re-acquainted and re-calibrated with my life formerly known as my life.  No actually, I've been taking computer programming courses at night and between my day job and this thing I forgot existed when you go to school -> homework, it has been sucking up all of my time for "extra-curriculars." (ie: this blog).  But I carved out a smidgen of time to project my written voice and so, with that being said, I'm going to attempt to write a blog post on here that makes a shred of sense... but, no guarantees.   I'm operating in a rogue brainwave state right now that's clouded with all sorts of new words, definitions, ways of thinking and a bunch of other shit, so if everything you just read (and are about to read) is not "reading" well on your end (we call that a "syntax error" #codinghumor LOL), don't worry because the rest of this post is mostly just going to be a lot of photos (or at least that's the goal).  

... But some context for the photos before I "literarily" sign off:..   Not last weekend but two weekends ago, I went to undeniably the most unique "resort" I have ever stayed at.  "Resort" is a term I use loosely because, it generally implies a sort of retreat from performing one's normal day-to-day functions (ie: cooking, cleaning, keeping house) and this was not quite that.  However, it did encompass the other end of the "resort" definition by being housed in a destination that unequivocally an "escape."  

Literally, this place defines "OFF. THE. GRID."  And as such, I will not be posting its exact location to both add to the mystique of my adventure and to also comply with the rules I agreed to upon staying there: I cannot divulge the exact address or coordinates under any circumstances.  However, I can tell you the general locale was in Joshua Tree, CA - an area near Palm Springs, best known for its ghost-town-like characteristics, its giant weird rock formations and its unique disposition for hosting shroom, acid and peyote trips for people wanting to be one with nature... and their hallucinations.  

Anyhoo, this resort is aptly referred to on their website as a "trailer palace" called: HICKSVILLE.  And I am here to report, that a "trailer palace" was exactly what it was.  My group rented out the entire resort and we had full run of the place, which includes 9 trailers, a pool, a hot tub, a teepee, a grill, a wagon bar, a jukebox, a fire pit, a photobooth, an archery course (did you see my post on archery here??), a BB gun site, a mini-golf course, a library, a ping pong table, an outdoor shower and outhouse (for male optional use), a PBR vending machine, and a sizable plot of astroturf, among a lot of other cool stuff that you'll just have to go and see for yourself.  

The real highlight of the stay though, is the trailers.  Each trailer has its own theme and each theme is both random and strange and perfectly executed.  There is a wig shop trailer, a Cramps trailer (for horror film fans), a 70's style trailer complete with shag carpet and a record player, a caboose style trailer, a "PeeWee" trailer - modeled after PeeWee Herman's love interest's trailer, which looks like a Oregon Trailer trailer on the outside but a Harry Potter train car on the inside.. I can apply to no sense to the inspirations or decorating decisions.  There were other trailers that me trying to explain on here would probably cause more confusion than clarity and so I will not even attempt. But suffice to say, the experience was magical in a the strangest of ways.  And if anyone has a chance to visit this wholly bizarre and special place, I recommend you jump on the opportunity promptly as you will not be disappointed... Mostly from the standpoint of having no rational expectations for what your trip might hold and also because this place took the vision to completion.  The owner of the "palace" said on the website, that he felt the place simply "needed to exist" and so he created it... Now if that doesn't whet your palate to check it out, I'm at a loss.  

But geez Keeley, shut up already!  Below are the photos I promised (and took four paragraphs to deliver):  Devour them, my pretties!

Photo by Adam Elliot

Photo by Adam Elliot

Hicksville Trailer Palace 2.png
Hicksville Cramps Trailer.png
Hicksville Bar.png
Hicksville Caboose.png

And one of the raddest photos ever with two of the raddest ladies ever!  

Hicksville Archery.png

On that note, go have yourselves a wild and crazy and bizarre and unforgettable weekend! 

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Today's post is a tribute post and it's bound to get a little mushy so consider yourselves warned ;).  But before you let that lead you astray, bear in mind that the takeaway is that you'll get to read about someone who is an immeasurable inspiration to me and many others - the embodiment of a role model and really, who couldn't use another role model?! :)  It's occasions like this that make me cherish the fact that I have a blog so that I can broadcast about exceptional people and can shout it from the proverbial rooftops.  Having a forum to express my gratitude towards people that have had such an impact on my life and highlight what makes them so special brings me immense joy.  So thank you to anyone who has read this blog if only even once and thus allowed it to serve as a viable platform so disseminating what I want to express.

Caitlin McCarthy 6.png

Now let's get on with it, shall we?  Today is the anniversary of birth for my favorite person in the entire world: my sister Caitlin.  Her influence is woven throughout my life at every turn and this blog and its contents are no exception.  This post features her stunning loft, just one of her many notable accomplishments.  It has also proven to be one of the favorite posts on this blog, so check it out HERE if you haven't already.  

She is one of the most talented people I know and has a Midas touch when it comes to most aspects of life - anything she touches turns to relative "gold."  She is creative to epic proportions and has the ability to transform anything into something beautiful through both spoken and written words, art, style, graphic and interior design, curating of any kind, fashion, physical appearance, and even just "vibe."  She is wise beyond her years, intelligent beyond that of most, and can pull and weave a variety of experiences, things, conversations and facts together in ways that are beyond the scope of what many people are capable of.  

However, her best traits are the ones that can't be seen but rather felt, which is a shame for people that haven't had the experience of being in her presence.  She brings a light to any situation and is one of the most genuine, selfless people you'll ever meet.  There is something about being around her that makes people feel good and treasure the opportunity to do so.  She has her own sparkle.  She has an innate sense of what people need in order to enjoy the moment and can provide that for them in refreshing and unexpected ways through her humor, generosity and "Caitlin-ness."  

She is an incredible listener and always seems to have the perfect anecdote to show that she has comprehended what you've said, can relate and can add value and insight.  She's someone who just kind of, "get's it" - on a social level, a business level, a logical level, a creative level, a spiritual level and a just an all-around human connection level.  She is one of those unique people who doesn't come along everyday, that is a cut above the rest and is truly pure-hearted.  She exceeds expectations in every relationship she possesses and I am continuously in awe of her.  I feel so lucky to just know her and indescribably grateful to be her kin.  Happy Birthday Caitlin, I wouldn't be who I am without you!  You are my hero!

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Boxcar Children 2.0

Did you ever read that book, The Boxcar Children growing up and secretly wish you were them... But only for a minute though, because you still liked your soft warm bed, parents and the joys of a labor-free childhood?  For those of you scratching your heads about what I'm referring to, the books, The Boxcar Children were a series of "young adult" books (aka: chapter books) about a family of orphaned, homeless children, Henry, Jesse, Violet and Benny and their dog, Watch, who found an abandoned train car in the woods where they set up house, scavenged for food and work, cooked, and cared for themselves and each other...  Sounds appealing, right? :)

Look familiar?

Look familiar?

Well, now all of the boxcar wannabes that like their little luxuries, can have their cake and eat it too because boxcar (read: shipping storage container) homes are all the new rage.  ANNNND, they're cheap to boot.  That, ladies and gentlemen, is what we call a win-win. 

These economical abodes are upping the ante on the home front in all facets.  Their creators are getting creative with the outside, inside and everything in between... and more importantly, they're causing my boxcar dweller envy to creep back up from the archives of my brain where I "stored" it a long, long time ago. 

So without further ado, let's peep at some of these innovative endeavors:

Shipping Container Home 2.png

I don't know about you, but I feel like renting a P.O.D., showing up with it on the front yard of some of these homes and settling in.  Guest houses always increase real estate value, right? ;)  

But seriously, wow.  

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