[Rubs the sleep out of her eyes as she sits down at her computer and wipes the dust off of the keyboard]. 

Hello people of the internet, how have you been for the past um… years?!?!  What did I miss?  Did you miss me?  I most certainly missed all of you!  But rest-assured I am back now - well-rested from my Rip Van Winkle break from the blog and with a facelift to boot... Actually, more like a new face entirely + a new body and a new life purpose. The only thing that is really the same I suppose, is my voice and my "ness," of course.  After my Austin Powers, cryogenically frozen re-emergence, yeah baby, I realized if I wanted to come back to the blog, I needed to adjust to the times, my new identity and a new wave of what's good on the web.  So I got with it, put in werk, and now here I am, getting back in the game!

Let me first explain the reason for my prolonged absence and why I threw in the towel, literally immediately following my "One Year Anniversary" post... IRONIC MUCH?!  Apparently, one year under the old regime was all I had in me lol.. But honestly, it comes down to two short words: BURN OUT.  This go-around, however, I hope to keep on keeping on a little longer than that and here's how.. I'm not going to post every week day like I was doing before because I think that was the biggest problem for me... It was just too much work, I'll be honest.  So this time, I'm shooting for 1x per week, on Thursday nights.  Also, the topics will be different - no longer interior design/fashion/my life/whatever-the-f-I-can-think-of.  The new topics will be business, entrepreneurial, career and website related.  I know what some of you are probably thinking -->> YAWN.... I'm out!! And frankly, fair enough!  I recognize that I'm not just changing lanes here, I'm on the on-ramp of a completely different highway going the opposite direction.. But I do vow to try to make each post still relevant on a mass scale and ripe with humor, relatability, an over-abundance of metaphors and more personal information than is probably safe to divulge in an attempt to illustrate concepts and convey my thoughts... 

So, now that we've gotten that out of the way.. Let me plug my new website and its obvious MOJO! [dusts its shoulders off].  I'll start with this: this website was built on Squarespace.  The 1.0 version of Keeley Kraft was built on the Squarespace platform too but while I was busy in hibernation, getting my shit together and plotting my next [few] moves, so was Squarespace. In the past few years, they've been gittin' after it, adding tons of new features, options, support and solutions for people looking to build a website without having to hire a team of programmers and designers to completely code a website from scratch... which, I pretty much think is just the raddest.  During my blog sabbatical, one of the things I did was take several programming courses. I learned skills to program the front end, back end and mobile versions of a website, so I want to be clear that I think programmers are absolutely vital to our online ecosystem.  However, I do not think they are the best solution for people looking for a website that does not need to have unique functionality.  I believe there is room for everyone and building a website is not a one-size-fits-all kind of situation. 

So N-E-WAZE, I got really jazzed on Squarespace as a company, brand and platform and have since decided to help people who want to build their website on Squarespace... do just that!  Whether it be that they just need some guidance, or they don't really want to deal with it but don't want to sell some of their internal organs on the black market in order to get a website up on the interwebs, I am here as the sherpa for that goal.  And that, is what the new Keeley Kraft is all about!  So if you want to attend our Squarespace Day Camp, hire me to build your website for you, or on a completely unrelated but still standing strong the website formerly known as Keeley Kraft (RIP Price, you will forever be missed), order some etched wine glasses, this is the place to do it!

Hopefully this post hasn't bored you to tears but I needed a segue post to bridge the awkward gap between the two different blog focuses.  But now that the elephant in the room has officially walked out.. LET'S BOOGIE!


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