Renovation Station — Keeley Kraft

Renovation Station

Hey hey party people!  How were your weekends?  Mine was jam packed and even included a Keeley Kraft showing at the Melrose/Fairfax flea market in Los Angeles on Sunday - the closest this SHOP has gotten to brick and mortar.  Woot woot! The experience was... interesting and frankly, a LOT of hard work.  Made some sales (not as many as I would have LIKED :) and got a very positive response on my wares but ultimately, I have determined that I will not be doing it again.  My muscles and my sanity would just not allow it.  So, sorry if you missed it, #itonlylivedonce.  However, if there are any new readers as a result of meeting me yesterday, WELCOME!  Keeley Kraft extends its welcoming arms.

For all of my existing readers, aren't you excited to being seeing something new at the top of this page???? I know, I know, my recent departure from regular posting was still fresh on the books but I had to make SURE my mom's event got the absolute MAXIMUM EXPOSURE possible, you see and so, the second break was necessary...  I knew you would understand :).

I've got a little goodie as a reward for your patience, though.  At least, I think it's a goodie.  I made some "updates" to my living room/dining room area and am going to share the photos.  So, take that to the bank!  I also completed two quite elaborate DIY/Before and After projects during the process and will be showing the details of those in the coming days.  You can see my other post about what the space used to look like, here.

So, without further ado, since I know most of you only come for the pictures anyway :), here are the shots from the best of angles (as taken by m̶e̶ an amateur photographer, with an iPhone - disclaimers officially stated):

Keeley Kraft Dining Room
Keeley Kraft Home
Blue and White Area Rug
Red West Elm Dining Chairs
Rams Horn Candlestick Holders
Safari Inspired Living Room
Wes Anderson Interior Design.jpg
Mounted Elephant Head
Scout Gossip Girl Print.jpg
Army Green Wingback Chairs

And there you have it.  Updates on the home front.  Check back tomorrow as I will be revealing which projects I DID MYSELF and the processes.  It will be very scientific. :)

Week 2 of 2014 is officially kicking off!

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