As I sit here, virtually quarantined at the parents house due to Noah's Ark rollin in and flooding our only means out, I've been afforded the luxury/misfortune of ample time to internet SURF, brah. While positive in many ways, I've now opened the flood gates (bahaha pun) to potential purchases, "someday" parties, trips, and the like. Among this list of future wants, is my desire to host an epic dinner party at my pad. Believe me, between Pinterest and the blogosphere I am bursting with beautiful ways to decorate a table.
Like this..
Or this..
These are just two among hundreds.. Gah!
The only hold up would be my culinary prowess (or lack thereof). But now, I have solved that dilemma too. Enter: Kitchit. Just the thing to really "turn up the heat" on the party appeal meter.
Think Uber* meets pop-up dinner parties in a way that now enables you to bring the restaurant to your house and most importantly... IMPRESS! I mean, what other motivation worth any merit is there to throw a dinner party?
*For those of you not located in an "Uber city," Uber is a service that allows you to take a limo, town car, or Escalaaade (p.s. I have never gotten a limo) from off-duty drivers wanting to make some extra dolla dolla bills in their spare time, so they charge comparable cab prices. And, they charge your card through your online account so you are struggling to come up with everyone's portion of the fare once you reach your destination...
... Speaking of impressive, here are just a few more dinner party set ups I had to show (after these I'll stop):
I would have given an arm and a leg to go to this next dinner party thrown by one of my blogging idols, Mrs. Lilien, along with THE Town and Country Magazine.. And, I strongly encourage you to read all about this fabulous fete, here.
But continuing on with the intended theme of this post, my analogy basically translates like this: you want to throw a party/dinner party/cocktail party/event but you don't want to do any of the food shopping, prepping, cooking or clean up. You go to the Kitchit site, look through the list of available chefs, view their menus, experience, ratings, availability, expertise, pricing and contact them. You can either come up with a menu for them, tell them your "theme" and work on one together, or let them surprise you. And the best part: The prices are truly comparable to what you'd spend at a non-casual but not overly fancy restaurant if everyone split the bill and paid. Which, you can also do through the Kitchit site! In other words, you can have people pay beforehand, the "per head" price and can even build the payment functionality into the invitation, which you can ALSO send out through the site.
They've really thought of everything! The chef will arrive early (depending on how much time is needed to prep) at your house, or venue if you don't want to host the party at your house (Kitchit can also help with rental options for venues too), with all of the ingredients and will then get to work so that when your guests arrive, everything will be set up to your liking. What's also pretty dope is that there are even famous chef's on the site who may just be able to squeeze you in while they're off-duty. Umm... awesome!
Here's a little video from their site if you're so inclined to watch:
(If you watched that, were you waiting for her to make a joke that she never did? I got that feeling after watching it... and I guess, just wanted to see if anyone could relate.. ? Anyone?)
One other thing that I'm pretty excited about is that they also do cooking classes. How brag-worthy would it be to say you'd been taught by one of the best, in your own home! A famous chef comes to your house and teaches you and your favorite peeps only, of course, how to cook... Sign me up, please!
Basically, you get to be VIP ALL DEY through Kitchit - No waiting for a table, trying to finagle a "res," dealing with snobby hostesses (I've been a restaurant hostess, so I can say that :), or an awkward bill encounter at the end (THE WORST!). According to their website, they call this concept "bespoke dining." I dig it.
Unfortunately, Kitchit is not in all areas yet :( but apparently they are continuously working on expanding to new cities. I feel like getting the word out there to people outside of their scope will encourage growth to new cities, right? That's sorta how The Facebook grew, wasn't it? I joined the first year, holla!
But for reals guys, I think this new idea is pretty groovy and if you're lucky, you may just get invited to my next soiree using Kitchit! And no, unfortunately for me, Kitchit did not pay me to write this post.