Napster Wedding

We knew Sean Parker had a pulse on what was up in the interwebs world but did anyone ever expect that he would have a hand in creating the most gorgeous and insane wedding my virgin eyes have ever laid eyes on?  I stumbled across pics of the Napster founder and Facebook "mentor" mogul's wedding last night and my wedding expectations haven't been the same since.  I'm ruined, y'all!  Honestly, this wedding was so nuts, I think even dudes will appreciate it.  Before I reveal these splendid photos I first want to give you a sense of the scale of this grandiose event: Each of the 364 guests had costumes designed by the costume designer from The Lord of the Rings, Ngila Dickson. I mean, whtiahfhasfkjhg?!

So with that in mind, please view the cinematographic-level wedding of Sean Parker and Alexandra Lenas which took place in Big Sur, California on the grounds of the Ventana Inn & Spa, which is nestled in an ecologically sensitive area of Big Sur.   

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The wedding cost around $10 million (chump change, if you ask me..).   

When locals from the area heard about the upcoming extravagant affair and the plans for construction, they notified the California Coastal Commission who reached a financial settlement with Seany boy, to the tune of $2.5 million dollars.  This small sum is to be allocated towards purchasing public easements and hiking trails in the Big Sur area and as grants for nonprofits doing conservation projects.  In addition, the internet boy genius offered to develop a mobile app that will help the public to identify areas where they can access the coast.  A mobile app? Shocker!  (But in all seriousness, does anyone know what that app is going to be called, because I kind of want to download it?)

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Mr. Parker also hired a designer from The Lord Of The Rings franchise to create several large-scale set pieces for the ceremony, of which included: fake ruins, staircases, and a stream filled with threatened steelhead trout (because if that's not a necessary part of exchanging vows, I don't know what is..)  

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I would die for just ONE of those chairs.  I'm not really sure if I'm disgusted or impressed by the amount of money spent on this event but mostly I'm just pissed that the mailman misplaced my invitation! The one time...!

Photos courtesy of Vanity Fair

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