Do you guys want to know what my “real” job is (since I don’t think I’m fooling anyone that Keeley Kraft isn’t quite bringing home the bacon for me just yet)? Well, whether you do or you don't, I'ma gonna tell you: I work at a vacation rental company with my dad and my cousin. We rent out five-star luxury timeshare-like condo suites, called fractionals. Not bad, eh? (To answer your questions in advance, yes, I have had the opportunity to stay in some of them and yes, I liked it). Our company is called Travel En Vogue and you should mos def check us out at our online address:
Everything is going grand with it EXCEPT for one little detail: my job duties have been dwindling for the past year and a half or so (which was partly the reason I went to Uganda for four months) This dwindling act is occurring mostly as a result of me helping to turn the company into a lean mean fighting machine! (This isn't an insider trading style secret being revealed here, the company is still in peak financial health, for your information). So, now I am at kind of a crossroads and am looking towards a new direction for my big-girl “career” life. Curtain unveil: Real Estate Development. Sounds all big and fancy, don’t it?
Lurve this movie and need those glasses.
Well it certainly is, although I really don't know too much about it... yet. But you can bet your bottom dollar that won't last long and here's why: My dad's main profession is that of a real-live real estate contractor/developer. Now ain't that convenient?! And, he is currently in the process of building his last commercial industrial building before he retires from the construction game. So, on a bit of a whim, I decided to take advantage of his VAST amount of knowledge on the subject and jump on an opportunity when I see one (that's Real Estate 101, right?) What that means for me exactly is that I am currently in Colorado, where my dad is building his building with his crew. Basically, I am going through a sort of "training camp." Personal reveal: I love building things and "getting my hands dirty" literally. I love construction work and have found it difficult to pursue on a large scale as a “ladyfolk,” so I am very grateful and excited about this opportunity as a result. So be prepared for more posts related to my daily training as I will be at camp for roughly 2-3 weeks per month until the building is completed in (fingers crossed) April '14 and when I will officially graduate to "handywoman" status. (For those of you who care, I will be returning to the City of Angels during the interim weeks each month).
Hell yeah we can do it!
Quick topical tangent: I'm also hoping to be ripped by the end of this month's tenure and come back to Cali cut like a pro-athlete. An update on that will follow if and ONLY IF that looks as if it's actually going to happen.
So, in conclusion, add construction to the growing list of all things random that this blog delves into. Also, the first day of my "semester" began today and after hands-down the most exhausting day of work I have had to date, I am about to log some zzz's. Nighty night!