Vegas Pool Parties

Fanny Pack Revamp

My absolutely adorable but also totally legit friend makes these to-die-for fanny packs that completely dispel any notion that you've ever had about fanny packs.   Fanny packs are coming back y'all and you better jump on board before the train leaves you at the station, ya hear?  But make sure you jump on the right train, because your mom's fanny pack from the 90's is NOT taking off from wherever it stalled out.  Oh no... All the cool kids these days are rocking the "festival fanny" and they're rocking your socks off! I'm proud to say that, as far as I'm concerned, my friend is an innovator on this front and people leading the fashion charge are exactly the kind of people I want in my cool kids clique.  So please, allow me to introduce the "Swagger That" Fanny Pack:


SO fresh, right??  I am a huge fan of these fannies because they've got that gangsta swagga that cancels out any mom-ness/dorkiness that was ever associated with these undeniably convenient carrying compartments.  When my friend first started handmaking them, they were originally intended for festivals, but I can speak from personal experience when I say that these fancy fanny packs are ideal for almost any occasion when you don't want to lug around a heavy purse (AKA: All The Time)... 


Obvi, I have one and and lucky me, mine is a custom job (yep, I'm a big deal :) that according to the "artist" was designed with my Vegas alter-ego in mind... Well, I guess, not so much an alter-ego as much as an exaggerated version of my everyday self where I am glitzed up to the nines and can't be bothered to stop dancing... And I can attest that these bad boys are IDEAL for Vegas outdoor pool parties where you can never be sure that your belongings are safe anywhere but on you.... But with one of these, security is no longer an issue.  Plus, I think we can all admit that dancing with a purse limits your freedom of expression.  So naturally, I am supporter of anything that prevents the squashing of a free spirit or unbridled creativity.  Here is the one I have:


She also has a other fun treats for the ladies in her shop, Swagger That, which I strongly encourage you to take a look at here.           

If you're a dude and I've still got your attention, you are about to be rewarded with some dope goodies just for you:


These fanciful bowties for lads will have the ladies swooning and the other gents crooning (hee hee).  


This creative little chickadee also makes over these sweet fold up chairs so you can be stylin' anywhere you want to have a sit:  


As you can see, the girl's got mad style, which means... that any of her products are guaranteed to boost your swagger.  Trust me on this one.  

Now go! Go get yourself one of these killer items and finish off the rest of the week with OG finesse! 

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