Temporary Tattoos

Hawt Flashes

My weekend was great, thanks for asking.  I got to experience peak temperatures during the hottest time of the year in scorching Palm Springs.  I swear, I was sweating out of my eyeballs!  But I still had a blast, found $4 on the ground at the Ace Hotel, and played the adult version of Apples to Apples (AKA: Cards Against Humanity).  Let me just tell you, we offended more than the whole of humanity but let's just keep that between us ;).  And then, on Saturday night.. Things got a bit cray. 

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Hanging from the chandeliers cray!  Trust me, it was one for the books!

But actually, I want to talk to you guys about something more serious.  Have you heard about FLASHTAT.com?  Probably the hawtest thing since sliced bread, just sayin'. 

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Holy moly people!  My first question when I saw this was: why hasn't this been thought of sooner?!  It's brilliant! Literally.  And ladies, you wouldn't even have to take your jewelry off before going to bed (HUGE problem, now solved!)

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I don't know if you've noticed, but I am actually a huge temp tat fan.  And I like to bring the flash whenever I can.  I have already purchased the "Nikki" and will be applying ASAP upon receipt of purchase.  So that, when I walk in the club, all eyes on me... (I'm with the party rock crew) and thus, ALL DRINKS ARE FREE!  Good strategy?  I thought so.  So if we're out at the clurb and you see me, being all fly and flashy, holla at ya girl and I'll get you some free drinks too!  Or, you can just get yourself some of these flashy tats and then we can be twinsies!  Hey now.

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So, just in case, that's not your thang, I've got some flashy interiors that are sure to fit anyone's fancy: 

Do you think there's a pot of gold at the top of the stairs?  Cuz I do.

Do you think there's a pot of gold at the top of the stairs?  Cuz I do.

If you like to read, this bookcase area would probably feel like the Land of Oz, don't you think??

If you like to read, this bookcase area would probably feel like the Land of Oz, don't you think??

Watercolor Walls?  Sure, why not?

Watercolor Walls?  Sure, why not?

Woah Nelly! That's BRIGHT!  And the chandelier fits our flash.

Woah Nelly! That's BRIGHT!  And the chandelier fits our flash.

Oh, and last night, me and my fam went to see Supertramp at the OC Fairgrounds Amphitheater.  It was magical.  Roger Hodgson (or as I call him, "Rodge the Hodge") really brought it (black jeans, white kicks, cowhide vest and all)!  So allow me to pass the good stuff and light up your week with some magic:

Come on, Monday, give a little bit! 

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