I have a friend in town visiting on a business trip and she is staying in Beverly Hills (where I too am staying for a few nights as I am a grade A friend and have generously offered her the "gift" of my company during her visit). As we pulled into the hotel last night, I was suprised by how much I started to feel like a tourist all over again... And consequently, woke up this morning with the hair-brained idea that we MUST go have cocktails at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Is this even cool anymore? Most importantly, it made me realize that the dreaded may have happened: that I've become out of touch with what's hip since I've been living in my little beach community bubble on the outskirts of the city. No but seriously, I've now been living in LA for 4 consecutive years and had a few brief summer stints out here on three separate occasions prior, but it should tell you something that it was only on my very first trip to LalaLand, when I was 13, that we went to the infamous Beverly Hills Hotel (where saw Monica Lewinsky, hiding out in "inconspicuous" Beverly Hills, during her heyday. O.M.Gee!).
THAT woman. That HAIR!
But back on topic, the whole thing begs the question: Am I just living my life in circles?! I guess that's kind of my problem, not yours, huh? Regardless, I love what they got goin' on over there. Check it:
So let's just continue down memory lane and go on a little throwback trip, shall we? Did ya'll ever watch Troop Beverly Hills? PLEASE TELL ME YES... Remember the highfalutin but FUN Phyllis Nefler and the EVIL Velda Plendor? Is "Attention K-Mart shoppers, blue light special, aisle 13 - cookies" ringing any bells for anyone? What about the yellow and white backpacks that everyone in the troop had, that turned into a pull-out closet? Gawd I love that movie!!! And so, in my research for pics for this post (because you know I'm always trying to bring you fresh-to-death content), I found these to-die-for "round ups" of how to achieve that Troop Bev. Hills outdoor glamping look. (Hopefully, it's not a total newbie blogger no-no to take this from another blog, but I will most certainly credit my source: Design Sponge also wrote a post on this fab movie (click here for their post) and I will allow you to call me a "babe in the woods" (pun totally intended) for this potentially rookie rule-bender).
1. Yellow and White Striped Tent, $1400; 2. Glow in the Dark Compass, $5; 3. J.Crew Satin Jumpsuit, $300; 4. Girl Scout Cookies, $4; 5. Desert Sleeping Bag, $84; 6. Giorgio Body Powder, $2; 7. Louis Vuitton Agenda Book, $535; 8. Pocket Corkscrew, $54; 9. Champagne Stand, $30; 10. Marshmallow Skewers, $34/set of 9
Scene Reference:
And then... didn't you all just breathe a little sigh of relief when the troop finally ditches the damn wilderness and heads for the one and only, Beverly Hills Hotel (bet you were wondering just how I was going to connect all these dots :). I mean, the whole part of the movie is to imagine, for a minute that you too, as a young girl scout, also live in the lap of luxury, right? The moral of the movie happens in that scene too, when the housekeeper declares: "We don't need no stinking patches!" Damn right you don't, Rosa!
Movie scene refresher:
And now: How to achieve that glam indoor camping look (compliments of Design Sponge's "Living In: Troop Beverly Hills"):
1. Martinique Banana Leaf Wallpaper; 2. Rhinestone Frog Pin, $16; 3. BriteLyt Lantern, $134; 4. Green Beret, $14; 5. Antique Campaign Chair, $3250; 6. Vintage Cigarette Holder, $15; 7. White Birch Logs, $15; 8. Nikon Binoculars, $84; 9. Crosley Desk Phone, $40; 10. Copper Fondue Set, $99
Well, sure hope I tied up the plethora of the loose ends in that post (huge thanks to Amy M.) because now, I'm out. And I'm headed back to Beverly Hills, bitches!